

观看Pilot V8 Next 系列视频,市场上最完善的飞针测试平台!
观看 Firefly Bottom Next 系列视频,激光选择性焊接的重大技术进步!
2018年3 月,斯特兰比诺。Seica将如约参展2018Nepcon中国电子展,届时展出产品可提高电路板和电子设备测试的技术水平。意大利公司Seica将在 展位 1E/55 上集中展出Pilot V8, Compact.TK 和 Mini 200;此外,还将发布...
Highly oriented to medium and high volume production, the Pilot V8 will be available in a fully-automated version, making its vertical architecture perfectly suitable to be combined with board loadin
Come meet Seica France at ENOVA Lyon booth # A20! ENOVA, a convergence platform for electronics, measurement, vision and optics technologies, unites industry and research stakeholders to look for inn